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Gas Industry Registration Scheme

Being assessed by the Lloyds Register for the Gas Industry Registration Scheme, on behalf of UK Gas Transporters (National...

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Water Industry Registration Scheme

Similarly to GIRS, the Water Industry Registration Scheme is assessed on behalf of Water Utility companies, and our accreditation...

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Gas Safe Register

Being a member of the Gas Safe Register qualifies us to work on outlet gas pipe. In terms of...

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Employing WIAPS approved groundworkers and engineers allows us to be a member of Watersafe. This accreditation means that we...

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CHAS Accredited Contractor

The Contractor’s Health and Safety Assessment Scheme is a thorough assessment of health and safety policies and practices within...

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Safe Contractor Approved

SafeContractor is another member of the SSIP group of accrediting companies, again assessing safety, quality and environmental procedures, but...

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Construction Line

Constructionline covers most of the same areas as CHAS, with some subtle differences in the way that they assess...

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We're here to help, just ask

We pride ourselves on working personally with our customers, not only will we listen to what you require, we will work with you to identify the best possible solution.

Call our team today or fill in the form opposite

01925 825 770

Our Accreditations

Gas Industry Registration Scheme
Water Industry Registration Scheme
Gas Safe Register
CHAS Accredited Contractor
Safe Contractor Approved